Monday, October 27, 2008

Hardwood floors refinished

Here are a couple pics of the floor, how it looked before and how it looks now. I have to say I love it! I didn't know how much of a difference I could expect, and I would have been happy with anything better than they were, but they turned out great!


Domesticated said...

They look amazing! Did you do them yourself or have someone else do them?

RSP said...

Thank you! I had considered doing it myself and once I got a quote it wasn't that much more to have a professional do it, so I did that just to make sure it was done right. Arne's Floor Sanding did them. He did a great job!

StuccoHouse said... have those nice thin boards. They are hard to find ;-) The floors look very nice. Amazing what a little attention to vintage hardwood can do, huh?

Domesticated said...

I got a bid from Arne and shocked at how low his prices are. He's starting on my floors next Monday.

Thank you for the refferal!